Comfort Goals: Student Objectives

Comfort Goals  

Student Objectives
Word document


To facilitate shared expectations among patients, family members and providers.


At the end of this module, the student will be able to:

  1. Defend the provision of comfort care to the dying as an active, desirable, and important service that is not assisted suicide or euthanasia.
  2. Elicit, document, display, and assist in implementation of the patient�s wishes for end of life care.
  3. Recognize one�s own attitudes, feelings, and expectations about comfort and the individual, cultural, and spiritual diversity existing in these beliefs and customs.
  4. Demonstrate value for the patient�s views while implementing his or her wishes for end of life care.
  5. Assist the patient and family and one�s self to cope with suffering, grief and loss in end of life care.
  6. Coach the patient and family to cope with crisis within the context of family dynamics.

©2001 D.J. Wilkie & TNEEL Investigators